Hello and welcome to my website!
My name is Haema Nilakanta (pronounced: “hey-ma” “kneel-uh-kan-ta”). I’m a statistician and currently a Principal Data Scientist at Target Corporation in the Target Tech division. I completed my PhD in statistics at the University of Minnesota’s School of Statistics under Professor Galin Jones. My dissertation was on: Output Analysis of Monte Carlo Methods with Applications to Networks and Functional Approximation.
A picture of me that looks semi-professional
Research Interests
My research focus is in output analysis of Monte Carlo methods with applications in estimating network properties and approximating functions. I am also more broadly interested in statistical computing methods, measuring reliability in computational methods, and its applications to public health and population sciences.
I also have interests in forecasting problems, applied Bayesian methodology, causal inference, and recommender systems.
Professional Resources
“Being Bilingual: Coding in Both R and Python” invited conference talk for noRth 2020. A recording of the presentation is viewable here with the talk materials.
“Shine with Shiny: An Introduction to R Shiny” workshop materials from the 2019 UMN Day of Data with co-author Sakshi Arya, PhD
“An Introduction to Developing R Packages” presentation materials from the 2017 ASA Women in Statistics and Data Science conference with co-authors Christina Knudson, PhD and Lindsey R. Dietz, PhD.
Nilakanta, H. and Jones, G.L. (2020) Monte Carlo Simulation. In Research Methods Foundation Project. Sage.
Nilakanta, H. (2020) Output Analysis of Monte Carlo Methods with Applications to Networks and Functional Approximation. University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy.
Nilakanta, H., Almquist, Z.W., and Jones, G.L. (2019) Ensuring Reliable Monte Carlo Estimates of Network Properties, Arxiv.
Baker, M.R., Nguyen-Feng, V.N., Nilakanta, H., and Frazier, P.A. (2019) Childhood Maltreatment Predicts Daily Stressor Exposure in College Students, but not Perceived Stress or Stress Reactivity, Journal of Counseling Psychology
Nilakanta, H., Drews, K.L., Firrell, S., Foulkes, M.A. and Jablonski, K.A. (2014). A review of software for analyzing molecular sequences, BMC Research Notes
- Ph.D., Statistics, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, 2020
- M.S., Statistics, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, 2018
- Masters Program in Biostatistics (left for full-time PhD), George Washington University, 2012
- B.S., Mathematics Magna Cum Laude, Iowa State University, 2011
Email: haema.nilakanta@gmail.com
LinkedIn: My LinkedIN profile